February 19, 2015

B Troop 2nd of the 17th Cavalry Regiment Assocaition

Looking for current and former members of B Troop 17th Cavalry and B Troop 2nd Squadron 17th Cavalry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. If you served with B Troop at Fort Campbell prior to 1968 or after 1972, Fort Hood 1968 - 1969, Republic of Vietnam 1968 - 1972, this web site is for, and about, you. Find out how to become a member of our Association in the Ban'Shee Gazette.

Visit our NEW: Ban'Shee Supply Room and the NEW: B Troop Pictorial History.

 Reunion Registration    divider line   Gazette by E-mail

B Troop 2nd 17th Cavalry Association formed at the 1997 Reunion in Shelbina Mo.

View and print the 2015 Reunion Registration Packet  CLICK HERE



Jim Matthews


Vice President

Joe Taitano


Rob Switzer



Jacky Herrin

Dues and Contributions to B Troop 2nd / 17th Cavalry Association are tax-deductible under IRC 501 (c) (19).

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2009 Medal Of Honor Flag Presentation Photos Courtesy: David Martin

In Memory - Banshee 46 Fernando R. DePierris

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Help us keep your Roster Contact Information up to date!
Refer to "Where to send things" in the BANSHEE GAZETTE. We may wish to use US Mail to contact you with Association information. When you move, let us know.

Association Objective

It shall be the objective of the B Troop 2nd 17th Cavalry Association to preserve the memory, history and honor of those who served with B Troop 2nd 17th Cavalry, 101st Airborne Division before, during and after the Vietnam War, To maintain and strengthen the camaraderie that distinguished the soldiers that served with B Troop 2nd 17th Cavalry, To provide for the research, dissemination and preservation of information concerning Association members and assist members in locating others with whom they served; To sponsor and coordinate periodic reunions to preserve and promote the Ban'shee spirit and traditions among all veterans that served with B Troop 2nd 17th Cavalry and future generations to come.

Read more in the BANSHEE GAZETTE

Visit our Photo Album

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Reunion Registration

View and print the 2015 Reunion Registration Packet  CLICK HERE

Review all details in REUNION NEWS.

Sign up for the New Banshee Gazette Mailings

By sending an E-mail to you will receive your Gazette directly to your E-mail account. Please include your full Name along with your e-mail address. Name and Town - Name and Town - if your wish to opine.

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The Legend of Fiddlers' Green is performed by LT Bobby Ross with a new musical arrangement by Mike Stidolph

The Legend of Fiddlers' Green is performed by LT Bobby Ross
LT Bobby Ross Productions
with a new musical arrangement by Mike Stidolph.

Visit our NEW: Ban'Shee Supply Room
where you may buy Jackets, Shirts and more.

Read and sign our GUEST REGISTRY

and View our Memories and Favorite Web Sites

Select ABOUT for more information.

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Webmaster Dan Schave

July 8, 2002: Help us support our hosts, The Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University.
Click here for more details

B Troop 2nd of the 17th Cavalry Association Home Page

Site Recognition Awards

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This Page © Copyright 1997 - 2006, Webmaster Dan Schave
Background Graphics Courtesy Don and Marianne Garrett