These pictures are courtesy of
Tommy Acosta
Taken on LZ Charlie Brown 15 Mar 69
Ken Spencer, Cpt Walsh
Stand Down LZ Bronco April 1969
L-R  Frank DeLarosa El Paso TX, Weaver Cal,
Joe Garza San Antonio TX, Ramido Benavidez Wash,
Manuel Hernandez Jr. Corpus Christi TX (RIP)
Bridge Guard LZ Charlie Brown
L-R Manuel Hernandez Jr., Tommy F. Acosta
Stand Down LZ Bronco April 1969
L-R Ramido Benavidez Wash, Joe Garza San Antonio TX,
Tommy F. Acosta San Angelo/Ft. Worth TX,
Manuel Hernandez Corpus Christi TX  ( this was the last time
I saw Manuel, he was killed two weeks later )
Tommy F. Acosta
Stand Down LZ Bronco April 1969
"Short" DROS May 13 1969
Thirrd Platoon June 1968 LZ Liz
L-R Kermit Williams (RIP) Danny Thomas Dallas TX,
Sgt Biggs, Eugene Stevens, Sheppard
The Guys in this picture are some of the members
of third platoon 1969. l-R standing in back
Ed VanLennep, Manual Hernadez (RIP),Sam Detwiler,  
Ken Spencer(RIP), Doc. Osborne, Mike Lindsey.
Standing in front, Bill Allen and  Sarg. ? Kneeling L-R,
Tom Blanton, Horney, Buck and Larry ? The picture
was taken by third platoon member Tommy Acosta.

Site of Alpha Company night action north of Ha Thanh
Special Forces Camp where the OP was overrun,
Sept. 17, 1968.
LZ Liz, Sept. 15, 1968
L-R Val Longmore, Gab Rivera, Babysan Watson,
Chuck Zuber, Henderson, Jeraldine Anderson.
I know the date because it was taken the morning
we CAed off the saddle at Liz for Ha Thanh.

Alpha Company

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