'Chuting Up' for 'Hollywood' jump (no field equipment).
From Left - Andy Miller (90%) right - Wayne Ellerbee. 4th Recon Pltn. (T-7 Reserve Chutes, T-10 Mains).

4th Recon Pltn sections on C-130 for ATT jump. From Left: St James Embree, Car Commander; E-John Streb, Specialist, Scout Driver; Wayne Ellerbee, PFC, Scout Gunner, all Crew for Scout Jeep B-58. 4th from left: Sgt Carter, Car Commander; Carlos Gandez, Scout, Driver, Observer; Sgt. Mills (90%); unknown trooper (7th from left); all Crew members for B-59 & B-60.

4th Recon Pltn. Troopers in 'Chuting Up' area at Ft Campbell airstrip before ATT's. From left front row - Carlos Gandez; Wayne Ellerbee. Back row-standing: Joe Muzic; Gordon Hall (90% sure with the 4th Recon Pltn's 106 Recoiless Rifle Jeep Crew); Bob Gifford; Pat Williams. Note: C-119s "Flying BoxCars" on airstrip in background. Not a favorite aircraft with paratroopers at that time.

4th Recon Pltn. Scout "Jeep" B-58. Note pedestal mounted M-60 and canvas covered RT-68 in front of spare tire & behind Car-Commander (shotgun) seat. There was no seat for the gunner.

B-58 from the front: John Streb in Car-Commander seat; unknown trooper in gunner position. Front tow hook covers 17 Cav on front bumper. Troopers are in Aggressor uniforms.

4th Recon "Jeeps" taking a lunch break on Ft Campbell Resevation. Note: The yellow ball vehicle unit symbol for Troop B, 17th Cav on side of scout jeeps, hence, nicknameed (lovingly) "The Yellow Ball Cab Company" or occassionally, called by other units when reporting training encounters "... those damned guys (SOBS) in the jeeps with the yellow ball on the side!!" From Left - back to camera, John Streb, unknown trooper (from Eastern Washington State).

4th Recon Scout "Jeep". Native American Trooper in Aggressor uniform: Blackbird (75% sure). Note: Covered RT-68 at lower right corner.

RT-68 Summary: 38-54.9 MHz FM continuously tunable or 100 KHz-step channels. Receives and transmits both voice and 1600 Hz ringing tone using wideband FM (+/-30KHz deviation); range 10-15 miles.

John Streb in Aggressor uniform next to B-58. B-59 in background with clear view of canvas covered RT-68.

4th Recon Pltn. Troopers in Aggressor uniforms; From Left: Blackbird (75%) (first name ?); unknown trooper (from Eastern Washington State); Wayne Ellerbee; John Streb.

17th Cav Troopers jumping C-130. Picture taken by C&C staff photographer from cockpit area of C-130 on left side of the V-formation.

4th Recon Pltn. & other Troop B Recon Pltns. in the air after jump from V of C-130's (taken from my chute - Wayne).

4th Recon Pltn. in the air and jumping from C-123 "Providers" No wind deflectors on C-123 Chutes would open from powerful prop-blast almost a good thousand-count early. Taken from my chute - Wayne).